Sunday, February 5, 2012


Lucy (aka "The Goose") is a wonderful addition to our home. We were introduced to Teresa at a dog party, who had happen to have brought along a doe-eyed grey fluffy mini poodle. We found out Lucy was a survivor of the 2009 Sunberg puppy mills. Once I got Lucy in my arms, though, we were inseparable. When we got her home most people decided she was a lost cause. She was overly skittish and--no offense to her--was a bit of a basketcase (understandably)! But, almost three years later with a lot of love from SPOT and a great home she is going stronger than ever! Everyone comments on how much she has changed from a timid shaky poodle to an all out rambunctious animal! People who claim that they aren't a "tiny dog person" has Lucy in their lap within five minutes of meeting her. She's a real gem. Thank you so much to SPOT for Lucy. She has become more than just a pet and is an amazing addition to our family.

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