Just wanted to type you a quick note and say thanks for rescuing me from an unknown life and feeding me for a few weeks until I was old enough to eat on my own. You named me Junior, but my my mom and dad call me Jimmy. They adopted me July 3, 2010. They thought I was lonely while they went away to work so they got me a little brother, Joey. It took us a little while to figure out who the top "dog" was in the house but now we get along great! I have trained my parents very well and they now do everything I ask them to. I even got a cat door installed to my secure outdoor deck so I no longer have to wait for them to open the door. My mom makes cat beds for the Seattle Humane Society and my brother and I have stolen our fair share before she can get them to the car. We have beds EVERYWHERE in the house so anytime we feel like taking a nap there is one close by. Thought you would like to know how well I am doing and that I am loved and pampered. (I like my dad the best, we
spend hours in the garage together, I roll on the cool ground and he stops what he is doing to give me belly rubs.)
Much Love Jimmy (Junior)
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